
(May 20, 2011)

One thing I love about Cooper is his complete innocence. So far, he has absolutely no concept of embarrassment or modesty or gender norms. I don't know whether it's the fact that he's only 3 or that he's a first-born, or just that he has a sweet naivete about him, but I cherish these moments of innocence...

Right after we bought a water table for the kids, I looked out the kitchen door to see this. Of course my children would end up climbing onto the table rather than just play with it normally.

Oh, but wait... Look closely. Yes, those ARE Cooper's clothes on our back deck. Naked. IN the water table. Oh heavens. 

And then there was this: Annabelle's headband on his head like Rambo, her 12-18 month sized floral jacket, Thomas underwear, and rain boots.What?!

I have two words for you: 
Rehearsal Dinner.

Just because I love and appreciate his innocence, doesn't mean I won't equally love to embarrass him with it in 20 years!