until September...

(May 27, 2011)

The school year has drawn to a close. Cooper has loved loved loved school this year, and I have been so grateful to have a boy who walked happily into and out of the classroom door every Tuesday and Thursday!

The last week of school, they celebrated with a class picnic...

Sweet Ms. Via, who came in the middle of the year and rescued Cooper's class. She is wonderful.

Ms. Hunt, one of the assistant teachers, Miller (Cooper's buddy), and Cooper sitting dazed on the end of the bench. He didn't even come to school that day because he was so sick, but we couldn't miss the end of the year picnic!

Even Daddy came from work!

This is Ms. Hill. This woman has cared for my boy in the sweetest ways.

She has held him when he was sad, read with him daily, rejoiced with him in his excitement, cared about what he loves (she even bought him a book about David because she knew he was obsessed with David & Goliath), comforted him when he was sad... in short, she has loved him well.

And really, is there much more a little boy or his mama could ask for?

Before we knew it, it was here... the last day! My big boy, carrying his own bags because he is so very independent these days. He looks taller and thinner than he did in August!

 He was too distracted to pose when his very favorite friend started walking down the sidewalk.
 It's Miller! Cooper talks to us about Miller all the time (well, "all the time" in boy land, which is at least once a week!) and- to my relief- apparently, the feelings are mutual!

Miller told his mom, "Cooper is the funniest kid EVER!". I mean, really. Who doesn't want a buddy like Miller?

And when I came to pick Cooper up that afternoon, it made me smile to see proof of that friendship right on the playground. What a fitting way to end the year! Oh preschool... we shall all miss you until September.