five full days


(July 11, 2011)

I find it really difficult to describe our trips to Windy Gap. I always have. There is so much history there, both for Curtis and for me; such beauty in the place, people, and the message about Jesus;
and such a tangible sense of God's hand at work.

We spent about 5 days there this time, in the midst of family, some old friends, and about 300 high school age campers who were all having- literally- the time of their lives. We would live it up during the day with the kids, enjoying all the events/meals/pooltime/treats, and watching our little ones soak it all in. At night, we would put them to bed in our awesome two-bedroom suite, grab the monitor and head out to enjoy the rest of the night.

There is no way to explain our time at Windy Gap, but hopefully these images will help to capture it.

At the rodeo, on Independence Day. Too perfect...

Cooper and his Papa. Up close and personal in the rodeo ring.

Cooper was in heaven.

Happy Annabelle.

She loooves her daddy.

Isn't that beautiful? YL does an amazing job of including and celebrating differently-abled kids.

I wish you could have witnessed her joy in person.

My old boss, Harold, and his wife Angie. Harold told me that he and Angie had met at Windy Gap 30 years before- that very week!

Kelly, Marion's boyfriend, in Cooper's hat.

We couldn't let Marion escape the embarrassment.

Marmee and Annabelle, celebrating the U.S.A.

I love this one for some reason.

My precious ones.

At the "county fair", in our old-time country outfits...

3 generations of Chesney men.

The best family pic we could get. It's was a little rough.

Games galore.

So. much. fun.

Oh, the joy!

relaxing fun

(July 10, 2011)

On our quick trip to Knoxville, we were blessed to get to stay Curtis' brother Luke's house and spend a little time with his family, especially one evening at the pool.

Oh, our precious nieces... Millie (pictured) is 3 and her sister Ava is 5: as beautiful inside as they are on the outside.

And our new nephew! Baby Evan is one of the happiest and most even-keeled children you'll ever meet. Annabelle thought he was just the coolest thing ever. 
She kept saying "baby! baby!" and looking like she might climb in the car seat with him.
But how could you not be enamored? He is a sweet and handsome little guy.

Evan, as cool as he is, lost out to a newly discovered love: LARGE chunks of watermelon.
p.s. If anyone ever says that she looks like me, I will direct them to this picture. She is SO her father's daughter.

When we finally got her out of the chair to go play, she found other people's leftovers.

Dig on in, girl. Dig on in.

A happy mess!

The big kids were in heaven in the water, playing with their daddies. Cooper was still a little timid, but was encouraged by watching his cousins and all their mad water skills.

Ava, who gets years older every time I see her.

We miss living closer and being able to have more relaxing nights like this with such a fun family. How cool that we are related!