transformation in progress: bathroom (day 5ish)


We’re going to compile all of the work done in the last five days into ONE… day 5! Poor Curtis has been working like a dog, but he’s only been able to do so before & after his days as a full-time student and husband/father. He’s even been seen getting up “in the 5’s”, as he calls it. Wow.

For Curtis, the week was spent doing lots and lots and lots of drywall work and Evan did some more plumbing as well. While most of the work was not camera-friendly, there is one big change that is super exciting and visually impressive!

This is where we started on Monday morning.


Wall tile started to go up! We chose a clean, white tile for the bath, which will be such a new world after the ancient PINK tile from before.


Look at that hottie in action, putting up the border tiles like a pro.


I caught him just as he was finishing up the last piece. And, voila!


The gorgeous shower tile, just before the grout was added.


And then the beautiful end result!


I just took these pictures tonight, and I hate that I had to use the flash. It makes it so washed out. You can’t see the details that show the evidence of hard work!


That helps a little! By the way, didn’t I (with Kelly’s help) do a fabulous job picking out the tile? :)


The floor tiles will match these border tiles, though the picture makes them look lighter than they are. I can’t wait to see it all come together, and to show you!

There you have it! The boys have put in lots of hours and it is surely paying off. Curtis is on his own this weekend (Evan is at home in Durham), but I know I’ll still have lots to report.  Oh, and one more thing…

The toilet “nook” is fully drywalled! This is a big deal both because all of the drywall is now complete and because that means that all of the plumbing for the tub/shower is finished. We have running water again! Woo hoo!


Joy said...

Wow! Things are really starting to come together!!! It is looking incredible!

Evan Travis said...

katie, glad you only got pics of curtis from the waist up!

Tiffany Acuff said...

So... does curtis want to come make me a screened-in porch? bc that would be awesome. his shirt would be optional :)