transformation in progress: bathroom (day 4)


Curtis and Evan certainly did not get a true Sabbath yesterday. While Cooper and I went to church, they stayed home and kept on keepin’ on….

They finished putting up the last of the drywall.


Unfortunately, the work doesn’t stop there. Drywall is such a process. There was a lot of this tedious work going on.

In the middle of it all though, there was something unbelievably un-tedious and dramatic. I came home from church to find the frame of….

… a linen closet! Can you believe that?! Out of nowhere!


Old houses aren’t exactly known for an abundance of storage space. We aren’t going to know what to do with all of that shelf room! Okay, so maybe I have a few ideas.


Not only had they built a closet, but they had put the vanity in it’s place. All of the sudden it was looking like a real bathroom again!


Speaking of the vanity, we need to give a HUGE shout-out to our friends Brooke and Dave. Not only did they generously give us their old vanity, but Dave searched for and found FREE faucets for both our sink and our bathtub through his job!  We can’t thank them enough. And it’s all going to look amazing!


Also amazing? The amount of dust and dirt that exists in my house right now. On Saturday, after I took a shower, I had to put on my old flip-flops to walk around downstairs. I determined that they were indeed cleaner than the floor. Woe is me, right?


Curtis and Evan will probably be working a little bit each night (after school, work, and family obligations), so I will probably do a cumulative update at the end of the work week. But don’t worry, there is plenty more to come! We are ALL going to be sick of this project by the end.  :)