transformation in progress : bathroom (day 1)


I absolutely hate doing things out of order… I think it is the bit of OCD with which my parents blessed me. :) This was too fun an opportunity, though, not to let you be a part of the process.

First, let me introduce you, just the way we were introduced 4 years ago…

The downstairs bathroom. The pink bathroom. When we bought this house, I swore that this would be the first room that we renovated. The first. *Drapery alert!*


With gold, cream, and pink as the main decor, it was about as 60’s- and unacceptable- as you can get.

 The gold trim on the cabinets had been hand painted on. To coordinate with the staircase, perhaps??


Now, let me show you the bathroom today. Or yesterday, to be exact…

Wait. That can’t be right. Exactly the same?

Yes. Exactly. Hold on. No. We did take down the draperies.


But, finally, it was time. Time for transformation…

Curtis (my excellently handyman of a husband)  and Evan (our roommate/personal contractor) tackled the paneling first.


And there was lots of carrying OUT. AWAY. It was so good for my heart! First, the cabinetry.


Then, the pink 15-gallon per flush toilet.


They even managed to get the pink cast iron tub out and into Evan’s truck! Of course, it took two extra sets of hands and caused some slight property damage. But it’s gone. In fact, the scrap metal place paid $20 for it!


They ended the day just in time for Thursday TV night, which is pretty sacred in our house.


Not bad for 1/2 a day’s work!

Hopefully, I can post on today’s (Day 2) work later tonight.


Amanda said...

Yay! I am in suspense!

Joy said...

The transformation is already SO incredible! ;)