welcome winter

Only a week after we were in bathing suits on Hilton Head beach, we got our first real snow of the year in Greensboro.

Fall was just wrapping up and we barely got our leaves bagged and on the curb in time. So, maybe everyone else did that weeks ago... whatever. Point is: the snow came really early.  

And then there was this!

Gorgeous. And the snow even masks our terribly needy yard!
Certainly not the deepest snow, but it sure brightened the lifeless neighborhood.

For Annabelle, the world was brightened by the fact that the stairs were finally uncovered and available for a new pasttime- climbing. 
 The moment I realized that she could climb stairs was the moment I turned the corner and found her 3 stairs up. Whoa. 
Good news: She absolutely loves it. 
Bad news: She absolutely loves it. 
After realizing how much excitement stair-climbing was getting, Cooper wanted to be sure to get in on the action. Oh, that giggly face!
The snow was even deep enough for Curtis and Cooper to make a darn cute snowman! Complete with pepperoni eyes, no less.

At one time, their little snowman even had Oreos for ears. But Cooper found those mysteriously unnecessary and disposed of them. Over and over again. :)

Who can blame him?


Amy said...

Love seeing the snow... and the fact that Cooper kept eating the snowman ears. AWesome.