twas the night before christmas

I looove "decking the halls" for Christmas (I have 3 large tubs worth of Christmas decorations). However, with Cooper's birthday and more keeping us busy in December, we were slow to get all of our decorating done. After hearing me lament the fact that "I guess we're just not going to have time to get a tree this year" (tear, tear), Curtis surprised me by showing up with one after work!

We decorated it less than a week before Christmas... just in time!

Even our "little old man" Annabelle wanted to help out.

I laughed when I saw this picture. Why? It was strangely familiar...

(December 2007, the night before going into labor with Cooper)
Get some new pajama pants, girl! Or better yet, stay out of the pajamas!

On Christmas Eve, we were able to go to our church's service and then spend time with family. Here are a few favorite shots:

A rare sibling picture (we were all in town for the span of less than a week)!

Katie (29), Kevin (21), Whitney (25), Heidi (23), Peter (26), Ashley (31)

My sweet little nephew, Myer (8 months).

With a smile that is undeniably contagious.

Cousin Bess turning my baby into Rudolph's baby.

Not her best shot, but oh so festive!

Speaking of not best shots, we tried to get a cousin picture.

How does anyone ever get a good one?! Ridiculousness.

And yet, maybe it's just us. We can't even seem to get a family of four picture that is decent!

Christmas Eve dinner, though I'm not sure much was actually eaten. 
Sidenote: We will most likely be able to use this picture as blackmail against an adolescent Cooper- dinner at a Disney princess table! :)

My dad finished the evening of festivities as he did every year of my childhood, by reading The Night Before Christmas.

After a new tradition of the kids opening some new Christmas pajamas, we headed home tired but expectant... the next morning would be Jesus' birthday!


Amy said...

Oh my i love so many of these photos and memories, but I have to say that the last shot of your dad reading to the kiddos is just totally classic. I absolutely adore it!