new york new york

When Curtis needed to pick a seminar location to attend for work, we were pumped when we found out that New York city was an option! We jumped on that and decided to both take advantage of it. His seminar was Friday to Sunday, so on Wednesday afternoon we boarded a plane together and headed to NYC, giving us all of Thursday just to play.

Cooper was fairly unfazed with our leaving, especially after we explained that we would be going to the "big city" like Curious George did. Not only that, but he and Annabelle got to spend a few days with their Marmee. Curtis' mom came in town just to keep them for us and it was such a gift!

Apparently they all had a blast, which is the best news a parent can hear from afar.

Even little Annabelle handled it all in stride, with only a little fussiness here and there. 
Yay for Marmee!

With everything going so well at home, Curtis and I were able to breathe deep and cram in every bit of New York that we could handle. Here are my highlights:

1. Wicked. 
We didn't want to waste our first evening in NYC, so we booked the cheapest online tickets we could find to see Wicked on Broadway that night. Though I wasn't thrilled with the plot (to be honest, I found it a little contrived and lame at times), the production was amazing. The set, the atmosphere, the voices... oh my word. They were powerful enough on their own. It was a fabulous way to get out feet wet, that's for sure.
2. Salad bar-market-buffet-grocery places:
We ran into one of these markets on our way to Wicked because we only had a few minutes. Also, since we were on a budget, we had decided not to spend all of our money on food. Anyway, I don't know what these places are called and I can't remember the actual names, but they were delicious and affordable (two things that I didn't think could exist together in New York!). So much variety, from sandwiches to salad to sushi, and it all looked delicious. Except the sushi. Not to mention that it was a small grocery as well! What I wouldn't give to have one of these on the corner of my block!

3. The David Letterman show:
We scored tickets to the David Letterman show as well! After we left out "interview" (it's a pretty thorough audience selection process... because they tickets are free, they can handpick their audience), we thought that there was no way that they would pick us. We were pretty lame. I guess "lame" is what they were after, though, because not only did they give us tickets but they gave us an audience "upgrade" to the first two rows! We were shocked. The taping of the show was a surreal and very cool experience. I love to see behind-the-scenes and Letterman is always entertaining (though getting really old!). I think we even got a little camera love a few times!

4. H&M
H&M... oh, how I love thee! Curtis gave me a surprise shopping spree when he went to his seminar on Friday and I spent almost every penny at an H&M in Union Square. It was super overwhelming, being a less-than-average shopper, but so much fun! Fashionable and affordable... it's hard to beat. I know it's not specific to NYC, but it just feels "big city" to me. Anyone up for a trip to Raleigh soon? I hear that's the closest "big city" to me.

5. Next to Normal.
I'm not sure I could say enough positive things about this show. We tried to get lottery tickets (put your name in a hat a few hours before each show for the chance to buy two $20-25 tickets) for several different shows, but only our first try- this show- was successful. I am so grateful that it was! It was a beautiful complement to Wicked, as it was all plot and emotion and dialogue and depth. One of the most powerful shows I have ever seen, I was still thinking about it days later. Not only that, but the raw talent was absolutely breathtaking. I was so sad to see the news tonight that it has just closed, only two days ago. There is still a tour, which I'm sure is nearly as amazing, and you should definitely check it out. I love a show that has something to say.

6. The vitality:
Forgive me for this somewhat-cliche statement, but I was honestly struck by the pervasive feeling of energy in New York. I sensed it from the beginning and yet could never fully put a finger on it. There was just a vitality that was completely unique and different from anywhere I have been. You could feel it around every corner, and it draws you in and makes you want to be a part of it.

Speaking of being a part of it... we barely took any pictures and only had our little junky camera, but here are a few just to prove we were there:

The vitality of New York and the trip as a whole has left me a little addicted. Thankfully, I was able to con my college roommates and dear friends into declaring the first weekend in June our "30th birthday weekend" and joining me in New York city. I've already got the Jay-Z song playing in my head...
"These streets will make you feel brand new,
Big lights will inspire you...
Let's hear it for New York, New York,
New York."


Naomi Skena said...

What a FUN trip Katie! And awesome idea about the roomie birthday trip...

Ross and Amy Free said...

For some reason I didn't realize that you guys had gone to Letterman... awesome. And you got upgraded because you are not lame, but rather you guys are hotties! Hellooooo, duh.