pumpkin farm

We had the best time last night. After wavering for a few hours, we decided to take the kids 25 minutes away to Razz & Tazz Farm for some pumpkin-hunting and fall fun. We had no idea what to expect, having never gone anywhere like this, but it was awesome! These folks really knew what they were doing. There was a huge corn maze and long hayrides that we didn't even attempt, but there was a gracious plenty for us to enjoy!

Cooper ran right to a cute little cow train pulled by a tractor.
(and we are apparently doing some marketing for Kimbers Restaurant!)

There was a big hay-bale "mountain" to climb.
The sun was setting over the cornfield and it was gorgeous.

A cool picture in silhouette.

I am going to try to take all of my pictures with backlight from now on... I think it takes off about 20 pounds!

Off to the next adventure!

Cooper was thrilled with basically every single part of this farm.

Even Annabelle was enjoying herself!

This, however, took the cake. It was literally a huge bin of corn to play in (think ball pit with corn kernels).

Cooper was beside himself....

the whole time. 

You could almost swim in this stuff!

Partly because it looked fun and partly because I wanted a good pic, I got in too.

I'm not sure we got the pic, but it actually was really fun.

Annabelle sat outside the Corn Bin and just squealed. I think she inherently knew it was awesome.

We tried for a family shot. True to form, it wasn't the best.

But it was something, which is more than we usually get!

From the moment we arrived, Cooper had begged to go on the "Thomas train", which was actually a tractor & trailers decorated to look like a train. When he finally got the okay, he sprinted all the way there, yelling the whole time!

It was about as exciting as a 5 minute tractor ride through a corn field can be.

To Cooper, it was a huge adventure. He looked like he might jump out of his seat a few times. Literally.

I told Curtis on the way home that I just enjoy our children more when we are out & about and having fun. I need to be proactive more often and take my kids on these kind of outings...
I think it brings out the best in all of us.

If only this place was open all year round!
Note: if you have small children and are in Greensboro next weekend, GO! You won't regret it.


Kara said...

Oh my goodness. I love that y'all had so much fun! I miss those cuties!!!

Jessica said...

It looks like you all had such a fun evening together! Good work taking all those photos! You captured some good ones.