
"Contentment is essentially a matter of accepting from God's hand what He sends because we know that He is good and therefore it is good." - J.I. Packer (emphasis mine)

I have been complaining a lot lately. About being tired. About Cooper's disobedience. About Annabelle's sleep patterns. I'm sure I would've complained about Curtis if Cooper or Annabelle would have listened. Far more than anything else, though, I've been complaining about our renovation and how it's disrupting my life. 

 Granted, it has been difficult and dirty (ignore the diapers.. that is a whole other issue). In fact, I took these pictures to prove to you how disgusting it has been and how bad I've had it. 

I was really convicted tonight about my lack of contentment. You see, the woman who leads my Bible study reminded us that true contentment begins with a right knowledge of God... believing that He is good and that He loves me personally

If I believe that, then it would follow that He always has my best interest at heart. He has intentionally placed me in this body, in this family, in this town, and in this very dirty and dusty house... for my good.

Right here.

LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; 
you have made my lot secure. (Psalm 16:5)