call me shallow

Although I am very excited about cooler weather, leaves changing, and football season, I'm also really happy that it's time for fall television!

C'mon. I can't be the only one. Bueller?

My Current Top 3

1. The Office: (you must watch this clip!)
Tell me you don't wish you were friends with these people! I want to soak it all in since this is Michael's last season. As  if their could be an Office without him!

2. Parenthood:
Unbelievable new show, just starting its 2nd season. If you are a parent, have a parent, or, well, I guess that's everybody... you will love this show. Truly! Go back to the pilot and watch them all, if you can. You can thank me later.

3. Grey's Anatomy:
I may be the only person who hasn't given up watching this. I know... it's trashy. But they are my friends now and I will probably continue to watch until Meredith Grey gets old and decrepit and retires from Seattle Grace. I am that girl.

What excites you about the fall?

p.s. It's okay if you say a television show. I won't tell.


Cameron said...

I am right there with you with Grey's! I love it and Private Practice (I know everyone else hates it), we even named our puppy after Addison. Nuts I know, but I can't help it. They are my friends too!

PS: Your kids are too cute!

Cathy said...

I like the trashy Grey's also...last night was the season premiere of Glee and I watched it alone (while Steve was at a movie)and sang along, really loud!

Kate Kehne said...

I can't wait for the Office too! Ya'll have to watch Community though- I think it's our most fave! And I just started Parenthood- its hilarious and true! You watch last week when Sydney asked where babies come from? So funny!

Lindsay Mizell said...

ummm...Parenthood. AMAZING. And I happen to think last season was one of the best Greys ever had. I'm with you sister. I need to become a YL leader again so I can say I watch all of these shows for "research". haha!!