happy half.

In the spirit of birthdays...

We sort of missed Annabelle's half birthday, August 8. I remembered the day after and she was clearly unaffected by our forgetfulness. Regardless, I want to take a moment (or blog post) to celebrate the precious 6 month old in our life.

It seems that "sweet Annabelle", as I often call her, is changing daily. Just the other day, I walked in to see this:

What's so exciting about that, you ask? Well, you see, I actually didn't place her halfway under the chair.
Yep! She's moving! Not crawling, but doing a little scooting. 

She is also constantly chewing on anything she can find and drooling like it's her job. It's worth it though- two teeth are in and two more are on their way.  (Isn't that pic hilarious/frightening? And don't you wish I would stop dressing her in blue so that she would look like a girl?!)

And, of course, she's almost always got company.

Sometimes that company sits on her.
Look at her pleading with her eyes!

And yet, she smiles.

They really are becoming buddies. Cooper loves to go in with me when Annabelle wakes up from her nap. This particular day, they were even chewing on their fingers together!

The poor girl gets no respect for her personal space.

Through it all, she remains remarkably content and good-natured.

If it wasn't for those pesky teeth, she probably wouldn't ever be fussy. Good thing she has her toes to chew on, too!

Literally every day, I have a moment when I marvel at what a delightful gift God has given me. She breathes life into my soul. (Well, Jesus does that if you want to get technical, but you know what I mean.)

Happy Half, Sweet Annabelle!