my saving grace

Gracious, lovable beauty. That is what Annabelle's name means. This week, while I struggled (struuuuggled) through Cooper's stomach virus, I found her name to be amazingly apt.

She stayed content as we shuffled her between sets of hands all day. She slept through Cooper's hysterical screaming in the middle of the night. She smiled while sitting by herself for the umpteenth time in a day. She was my saving grace.

 I was reminded of this when I walked into the room yesterday and saw this:

 I had plopped her down on the "Wiggle Worm mat" to help Cooper with something.

She had no one entertaining her, unless you count the hanging doodads. 

Nevertheless, there she was- just laying there smiling.

 Yeah, she's a keeper. My gracious, lovable beauty.

 Cooper noticed my excitement, so he joined in the fun. 

"You wike dis toy Annabehw? You wike dis toy?" 
(in a high-pitched voice, mimicking his mother)

Then this. A kiss on the forehead. Be still my heart. 

Despite the vomiting, I think I'll keep him too.


Bella and her Mama said...

Oh. DEAR. that last picture. HEART it.