
About 2 weeks ago, Cooper randomly decided he wanted to lay down (what?!) next to Annabelle on the bed. I immediately grabbed my camera, which was handy from taking the pile o' pink photos just before. Once I was able to look past Cooper's post-nap Conan O'Brian hairdo, these pictures reminded me of a deep longing I have for my children.

Growing up, I always wished I had an older brother. This was probably due to the fact that I had all other sibling options- older sister, younger brothers, and younger sisters- and, as you know, "the grass is always greener...". Regardless, I envied the relationships I saw (including some in my own family) where big brothers would protect their sisters, look out for them, advise them, and lead by example.

I pray that for my children.

Dear God, let these two enjoy living life side by side.
 Let them trust each other with their secrets...

 ...and make each other laugh often.

Let her look up to her big brother and be his biggest fan.

Let him cherish his baby sister, defend her honor, and long for her good.

Thank you, Lord, that you gave them to each other. And to me.


Julie Wheatley said...

this is so sweet! and cooper looks huge! ha! i think they will def be besties :)

Kate Kehne said...

Oh Katie! The tears are welling! What sweet pictures and prayers! Precious siblings indeed!

Molly said...

Congrats Katie! There is nothing sweeter, and it is amazing to watch. Enjoy!

Amy said...

That one where she is looking up at him... OH, heart melting.