
It was a big day, both for my baby boy and for me... Cooper went to his first day of preschool! Curtis and I have been tossing the idea around for awhile, but have been more and more encouraged to go for it with each passing day. He is so active and so interested in any/all socializing that we knew preschool would be such a gift to him. And, let's be honest, it will be such a gift to me (and Annabelle) as well! Check out our first day of school photo shoot:

Possibly the only still shot that I got. 

Because, then there was this...

...and this...

I think he really loved his 3 hours there... he was literally singing a new song when I picked him up and there were no reports of screaming tantrums. Phew.

Yeah. He was happy. 

As for me, I got to clean both bathrooms and do lots of paperwork. I was happy too.


Joy said...

Oh WOW! He is SO old!!! Preschool is such a mixed bag of emotions! The time is precious but can they really be old enough! It sounds like it was a win win situation! Just look at his happy face and hear your happy words. ;) Can't wait to hear more adventures from preschool!!!

Julie Wheatley said...

PePe is such a big boy! I'm so glad that you now have a few days to yourself. And by yourself I mean with your baby? hhehe I know that Cooper is so thankful for his time with his new friends. Tell him to call me and sing to me.

Claire said...

Horray for Cooper!!! and for Katie! He's getting so big. I'm sure it's gonn be such a gift to you both. Miss ya'll.

Kate Kehne said...

So glad Cooper's such a big, independent school boy! Sweet time for you and your pink lady! Loved that post too! Miss you all and love to you four!