kids in costumes


Why are they so dang cute? Check out these pictures from our Halloween Pumpkin Carving party that turned into more of a Hang Out and Watch the Kids in their Costumes Party.

My pictures are sporadic and certainly do not cover all of the cuteness that was present. But, as a sampling…

My friend Emily and sweet Abby. Almost as pretty as her mom.


Don’t you love the way the light is shining on her? So beautiful. And then there’s that cute little ladybug in the background…


Oh, there she is! Annie, working on her newfound mobility. I could just eat up little girls in their stockings. Especially this one.


This darling little doggie, Hayes (Cooper’s buddy- same age!), who walked around with Cooper’s toy dog all night. I guess mommy  and daddy chose the right costume!


Then there is Hayes’ older brother, Cade. It was tough getting a picture of those older boys…


….they never stopped moving!! I’m counting on Cade’s mom to produce a few decent shots of these kids. And maybe the ones I completely missed!


Well, occasionally they had to stop for a breather!  This is big boy Ben in his Halloween t-shirt. Mom Ashley wasn’t quite ready (understandably!) with his and little brother Ethan’s homemade costumes.


John Harvey, one of Cooper’s heros, was another mover and shaker. He was so stinkin’ cute in his policeman costume and THIS is the best picture I have to show for it. Really?!


I did get this little elephant to stop running once in awhile. I have a little more pull with him :) Thanks to my friend Amanda, he had on one of the cutest costumes I have ever seen. I may not give it back.


Ava, Cooper’s cousin/idol, arrived with quite the Ariel costume. I don’t think Cooper knew who she was for awhile! Her mom had described the wig as “kinda creepy in a pageant sort of way”. Ha!


Millie wasn’t really feeling the cousin picture (note the paci), so I had to settle for a pic of her in her mommy’s arms. Still precious.


There was a little pumpkin carving going on. And it was impressive.


This is a terrible picture of an amazing pumpkin.


Teddy and Liz, the master carvers.


But, did I mention the kids?

Especially this one. Oh, dear. The cuteness.


Julie Wheatley said...

I want the Elephant! I've been waiting for these pics! And they are SO CUTE! Millie and Ava have both gotten so "big" (dont' tell lil girls that it might give them a life long complex, but you know what I mean) And Cooper! he should win a prize. Gosh. I hate to say that on here where your other friends will read. But I think they might agree too. The Elephant wins!

Meredith Williams said...

I literally just died for Cooper's costume! Seriously. Just Died.

amy free said...

Melt my heart. Yup, there it is in a puddle! This looks like the cutest and most fun Halloween gathering ever!!

Anonymous said...

i heart the elephant. and cooper.