feel the pain


Yesterday, Cooper had a run-in with the stairs… and the stairs won. We were at Marmee and Papa’s house (Curtis’ parents) and Cooper was playing upstairs with his cousins. All of the sudden, this is what we hear downstairs:

thud. thud. thud-thud-thud. thud-thud.thud…


I was halfway up the stairs (thank God for the mid-staircase landing!) by the end of the thuds. I thought for sure that I would find his little body broken. All of it. As I scooped up my crying baby and surveyed his body for blood and mangled limbs, I breathed a sigh of relief that he was- for all intents and purposes- okay. That’s when I saw a HUGE knot forming- already- on his sweet face. I’m talking 1/2” out from the side of his face within seconds.

It was awful.

He cried and cried, and all I could do was hold him close and tell how sorry I was that it hurt… so, so sorry. That was it. Curtis stood by our side for a few minutes, helplessly, until he finally asked to hold him. I understood: the only thing worse than holding your hurting little boy is not being able to hold your hurting little boy.

We didn’t attempt to photograph his bruised little face last night, but this is what we woke up to this morning:

The swelling had spread out and didn’t look quite so menacing. The bruising, however, had extended. He now had a bona fide black eye.

The thing is, this picture doesn’t do it justice. So, we kept trying. We were sure that one of these could capture the full extent of his little injury:

“Cooper, hold still for just a minute.”

“Cooper, where is your boo-boo?”

And what did he say? “Ball? Play? Ball?”

The kid is tough. Tougher than we are.

My heart aches every time I look at that black and blue face. I know it seems dramatic… all this over some bruises? Before Cooper, I never knew the agony of someone else’s pain. I remember crying with him when he got his first immunization shot, because it was the first time I heard him cry from pain.

It struck me tonight that this pales in comparison to what God feels for me in the midst of my pain. If I can cry over Cooper’s tears, how much more is He grieving over mine? If my heart aches at my baby’s hurt, how much more is He longing to take away mine?

So often I forget how deeply personal the Lord is, how He has woven Himself into my heart. Having a child has given me glimpses, but I know my understanding is still so limited. I was grateful that our sermon today reminded me of this:

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion… How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.” (Isaiah 30:18-19)


Meagan said...

pooorrrr cooper :( but i love the deep katie thoughts :) i miss you and i promise i will call you either wed or thurs on my days off.. sorry ive been working like CRAZY!!! love you!

Julie Wheatley said...

And again I feel awful for thinking it looks so cute! haha I love how God gives us messages just when they "make sense"....just when we finally have everything "lined up" to be able to really hear what He is saying. You are such a good mommy!

Mrs Somebody Else said...

cooper is SUCH a little tough guy! he has had quite the adventures lately :) well, you all have!
thanks for posting!

Naomi Skena said...

Oh that poor sweet baby!!! I can't imagine how terrified you must have been running up those stairs, Katie! I hope he's not feeling the pain anymore and enjoying playing ball and being the cutest little elephant there ever was. :)

amy free said...

Oh my goodness, my heart must have been primed for this one because here I am with tears brimming in my eyes at the precious softness of your heart... the beauty of a mother's heart is beyond words. And Coop's argyle sweater is pretty darn cute too!

Anonymous said...

poor coop! that black eye is serious! and so is his cuteness! i love it that god reveals himself in the everyday things of life - bumps, bruises, cries...