
I love that Cooper is potty trained and that he stands up to pee like a grown man, I really do.

"Oh no!" (coming from Cooper, who is in the bathroom)
Quick reply: "What's wrong, buddy?"
"I had trouble. I got a little bit pee pee on the floor."
"Oh, no big deal, bud. It's okay. I'll clean it up in a minute."

15 minutes later, I finally find my way into the bathroom to clean up that "little bit pee pee"...




amy free said...

HAhahaah! I can totally HEAR you saying "really?". I know that I have this to look forward to in a few years :)

Lindsay Mizell said...

HAHAHA! I continue to be amazed by how little pee gets IN the toilet and how much I find in very random places. Boys are gross. :)