the future tilletts


I really love throwing showers for people that I love. Marc Tillett is certainly no exception, as he has been friends with Curtis and me since we were freshmen in college... 12 years!! That is weird to even type. Curtis and Marc even lived together in a house of 7 guys called "the Overlook". Oh the stories they can tell...

Marc is marrying a super-cute, creative, and sweet girl named Kristin. And I love that she and Marc are together. See, we always said that Marc would make a fabulous husband. He is servant-hearted, fiercely loyal, strong, and kind. She will be blessed. And, I'm sure, so will he!

Needless to say, I was thrilled to join forces with the other Overlook wives to celebrate the future Tilletts. Not surprisingly, it was a beautiful, classy shower!

 I love to see everyone's gifts and talents come together on a table. Doesn't it look lovely?!

The flowers... oh my word. I thought about grabbing a few vases and making a run for it, they were that gorgeous. (Note: Lindsay bought almost all of the flowers at Costco and assembled them herself with the help of her mother-in-law. I am always blown away by the talents of my friends!)

My fellow "accounted for" hostesses: Lindsay, Kelly, and Grace (Allison and Naomi, we missed you!)

My contribution was the cupcakes. I was so pleased with how they turned out! They fit the style of the party just perfectly.

I am slightly obsessed with the new Reynolds StayBrite baking cups. They seriously stay bright (hence the name), not like the normal liners that kinda melt into the cupcake color. And no, they didn't pay me to say that. Also, in full disclosure, I stole the cupcake topper idea off of Etsy. Don't judge. You know you do it too.

Oh look! There's the cute couple peeking in! I think they might be salivating over all of that food. Seriously... did we think we were feeding 100?

On second thought, I don't think they noticed the food.

Gift time! Lots of goodies, conversation, prayer, and laughter.

I am so grateful for this couple, their upcoming marriage, and the fact that I will know the future "Tilletts" for years to come. I mean- what's another 12, right?

Just to prove I was there. :)