boston: good times, tired feet, & full bellies

Please don't infer from my silence that Boston wasn't super fun. It's just that we went from Boston (MA) to the beach (SC) to Durham (NC) all in the past two weeks. Needless to say, it has been a little hectic. Now that we are mostly recovered...


After maneuvering through the airport, the "T" (subway), and grabbing a cab, we finally arrived at our hotel.

It left a little to be desired on the outside. I am kicking myself for not taking a picture, but this one is the closest to reality that I could find online. Needless to say, it wasn't what we were expecting. Thankfully, we had a clean room, good AC, and a comfy bed. I mean, really... what more can you need?

After taking the T back into town, we walked through Boston Common, which is just as picturesque as you would imagine.

This tree was my favorite. Doesn't it almost look like it wants to dive in?

Right away, Curtis started looking for the bench that Matt Damon and Robin Williams sat on in Good Will Hunting. This is a pivotal scene which I apparently have forgotten. My husband was aghast. Then he chose a "close enough" bench, sat down, and started reenacting the dialogue. Okay, I made that last part up.

We headed down to the Back Bay area (cute boutiques, little eateries, quaint feel) and meandered around for a while. That is, until it started to downpour. DOWN. POUR. Thankfully, CVS was across the street, so we purchased two overpriced umbrellas (one of which already broke) and continued on our way.

This picture is especially for my beautifully tall friend Amy and any other vertically-gifted ladies out there. "Tall Girl: Fashion for the Taller Woman". Are you kidding me?!? A store that will sell me shirts where the belt at the waist actually hits at the waist and pants that even I might have to hem? Oh, glory. It was love at first sight.

Our plan was this: to walk around Back Bay, eat dinner, and then attempt to scalp tickets to get into Fenway halfway through the game (we knew our budget wouldn't handle the pregame price).

We got to the ballpark in about the 4th inning and Curtis started to work his magic. I'm telling you- the guy was a born negotiator. I pretending to be engrossed in my photography so that I could avoid the awkwardness of those conversations. At least 5 scalpers walked away from him before one finally caved, came back with his tail between his knees, and surrendered to my husband's demands. It was beautiful. I love watching him in action. Peripherally watching him from afar, I should say.

Fenway Park is phenomenal. By that, I mean that it is a phenomenon- unlike anything I've ever seen. It's as if you walk through those gates and timewarp back 100 years. There are, of course, plenty of modern ammenities but it has retained so much of it's original charm. Fenway is practically oozing with character, and it's as if it has it's own culture. People buy tickets to the "standing room only" areas (meaning they don't have seats for the entire game) and literally just hang out, drink beer, and mill around. I would have taken a picture to document this, but we were squeezing through so many of them that I just had to hold on to Curtis for dear life!

Our seats, and our view, weren't... well... the best. :) Large columns tend to diminish the baseball watching experience. Don't worry, we didn't stay here too long.

We did have a good view of the Green Monster, though. Good thing I now know what the Green Monster is.

Another benefit of the original seats: watching these two little girls. They were AHmazing. I don't think they stopped cheering the entire time... maybe more to entertain each other than because they were really that into the game. Regardless, I loved them.

And once they realized that I was taking their picture, they loved me too.

One (of a very few) major regret of the weekend: not coming hungry to the game. In fact, we came very full to the game. We were staring at all of this DELICIOUS greasy goodness and didn't have an ounce of room in our stomachs. Rookies.

The view from our "new and improved" seats on the upper level: much better.

Who knew??

We dedicate this picture to the Lawn Butler. Seth, does this make you covet?

A random guy took this. I was so excited when he told us he had the same camera. Finally, I thought, someone who will take a decent stranger-picture. Hmmm... maybe he had JUST gotten the camera?? Regardless, our trip to Fenway is documented. So, so glad that we got to go.

We try not to end many evenings without ice cream. You think I'm joking. Thankfully, my cousin Stacey and her new hubby Jeff recommended Emack & Bolio's.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

More on days 2 and 3 to come!


Julie Wheatley said...

these are so fun! i'm kinda offended you didn't invite me, cause now i have to plan a whole trip myself! tell Curtis that people who read the blog, like long blogs. if not they can scroll and just look at the pics! and nobody can post too many pics! i love the yard shout out. i will work hard to get my own shout out. hmmmm.