three quarters of a year

Again, I find myself asking... where has the time gone? Annabelle is 9 months old today and somehow even more lovable than when she was born. Here is what she's been up to:

 Lots of preciousness. She's beginning to play more with toys, but usually they just end up in her mouth (she is constantly teething). Annabelle is sitting well but not so interested in being still anymore...

 ...because she's on the move! Over the last several weeks, she's gone from brief moments on all fours to crawling across the floor. She still spends some time scooting on her tummy, but we're pretty sure it's because we only have hardwood floors to offer as her training ground.

 Annabelle is slightly obsessed with the bath. She tries to dive out of our arms into the tub every time she's near it, and she couldn't be happier when she's in it.  (sorry the pic is so fuzzy, but it was too cute to not include)

 The biggest squeals and excitement are almost always reserved for her brother. Annabelle stinkin' loves Cooper. It has been such a joy to watch their friendship developing!

 She's still eating baby food like crazy, and we've recently started letting her try some solid foods. Here she is having her first taste of a baby rice wafer. 

 She wasn't too impressed, but she's come to love them.

 We occasionally try a cup of water, but so far we haven't been too successful with that one other than as a form of entertainment.

She is so much more interactive and is reminding me of why this is one of my favorite stages of infancy... the personality is really starting to emerge.

Annabelle is a charmer, especially in any public location, because she will smile and squeal loudly at anyone who pays her any attention. Old people just swoon.

Not to mention that she's waving now too, which further delights everyone around her... and her.

Annabelle is beautiful, resilient, smitten with her father and brother (okay, she likes me a lot too), strong, and oh so delightful. Now, if only she could grow some hair...


Unknown said...

These pictures make my heart squeeze! Love, Marmee

Lauren Jackson said...

awww, she is so adorable... i can hear her squealing!