happy halloween!

We rushed home from a fun weekend at Windy Gap to scarf down an early dinner and throw on our costumes. We were so excited for Cooper to have his first real experience with trick-or-treating...

Don't my little flower and Curious George look adorable?

We decided to make dressing up a family affair. Why not?!

I guess one reason might be that someone would see me looking like this. Scary.

We all had so much fun together. It's good to get out of your comfort zone every once in awhile. The Scottish mullet wig did that for me.

Cooper loved trick-or-treating. Or maybe he just loved the chocolate. I'm not sure.

This girl matched her costume perfectly... happy girl!

As we put the kids to bed that night I realized that, in the midst of all the rushing around, we didn't really get any good pictures of the kids in their costumes. So, a week later, I dressed the kids in their costumes once more and decided that no one would ever know that it wasn't October 31st. Except that I just told you.

It was worth it, though.
 Beautiful day and beautiful little ones.

Until the fearsome neighborhood cat came to play. 
Cooper's face is pure terror! Ha!
(Note: the cat has scratched him on several occasions, so it is a somewhat realistic fear)

Thankfully, though Cooper does feel every emotion strongly, he also feels them quickly. Back to smiles!

They are so precious together.

Cute Curious George.

I'm going to call this one, "drunky monkey".  :)

That smile... oh, it melts me.

They didn't really love to pose, but I was determined. I had to document "Halloween", right?!

Hope you had as much fun as we did (a month ago)!