
In a slightly last-minute move, we decided to spend Thanksgiving in Hilton Head with Curtis' family. When I think about that long weekend, I think... gratefulness.

We were grateful that my parents were gracious in giving us their blessing to go to HH, even though it was supposed to be "their Thanksgiving" with us.

We were grateful for dear friends who allowed us to stay in their beautiful beach home. 

We were grateful for the abundance that God provided over those four days... food, laughter, conversation, rest, adventure, memories, and so much more. Grateful.

Grateful for pajama dance parties on the fireplace

and dance moves that had us rolling.

Grateful for crazy bed-jumping fun.

Grateful for smiles that we don't normally get to see,

 and adventures we don't normally get to have.

Grateful for iPads. :)

Grateful for babies in flowered hats,

and little boys exploring the sand.

Grateful for the chance to spend time with Marion's boyfriend, Kelly.

Grateful that we like him a lot.

Grateful for sunset bike rides.

 Grateful for time to be goofy,

even when it means you will look as silly as this,

and for parents who aren't scared to join in.

Grateful for warm, sunny days in November,

hot tubs available for swimming,

and chairs available for lounging.

Grateful for shared meals,

 and shared storytimes.

Grateful for cousins.








and baby brothers yet to be born.


So, can we do it again?


Amy said...

Oh my goodness, these photos, precious moments and precious words have made tears comes to my eyes! The shot of your reading to the kids on the bed... oh my, your beauty astounds me Mrs. Chesney :)