bye bye, schoow! (school)

Lat week, Cooper had to say goodbye to his first two preschool teachers, "Miss Wib" and "Miss Wopa" (Lib and Lopa). Of course, he didn't really have a clue that the "goodbye" was different from any other day. He did ask about them this week though. I think he really attached to them in the 2 or 3 months he was there! They were so compassionate, patient, and fun... and they needed every bit of that for Cooper, I'm sure!

Since the first day of "school" (see above pic), Cooper has loved almost every minute of it. After the first several weeks, he stopped crying when I dropped him off (don't worry- it normally only lasted about 3 seconds after I walked out of the door anyway). The last two days he was there, when I came to pick him up, he asked if he could stay longer. That does a mommy heart good!

Cooper's first class picture:
 I sincerely hope that you can click on that picture and get it big enough to see these kids. Curtis and I cannot stop laughing at how unbelievably awkward Cooper looks, along with most of the other kids. Although, I guess I should be proud because he was clearly following instructions. How else would he ever get into that position??

Want to be introduced?

That is truly one of Curtis and my favorite things right now. Makes me smile every time.

In the end, preschool has been such a blessing for our whole family. I know it's not for everyone at this age, but it was definitely the right move for us. Now, if we can just make it until September!