poor baby


Curtis left town on Thursday night go to a bachelor weekend for our good friend Marc. I was really thankful for the fun that he was going to have and, although I can't say I was excited about him leaving, I wasn't too worried about going solo for the weekend.

That is, until Annabelle threw up on Friday morning. After that, I don't think she left my arms the rest of the weekend for more than a few minutes at a time. She was so, so sick. With a high fever constantly, even on medicine, she was one of the most pitiful sights you've ever seen.

It wasn't the fussy kind of sick (thank you, Jesus!). Just the suck-the-life-out-of-you kind of sick. Lethargic doesn't begin to describe it. My active, always on-the-go child did not have the strength to crawl 3 feet. Nor would she even try.

She just wanted to lay on my chest 24 hours a day, like a little newborn. Don't get me wrong, I loved that part of it. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that, over the whole weekend, I watched Pride and Prejudice in it's entirety. The long version! As long as I was holding her, she was content enough and so was I. These pictures are one of the rare moments when she allowed me to put her down.

 Her big brother was such a trooper. He was understanding (for the most part), enjoyed playing with our big girl neighbor Gracie, shot a lot of basketball, and was thrilled to watch lots of TV!

Apparently I am dramatic and don't handle these things in stride AT ALL, because my sweet friends were praying for me, bringing me a surprise Frappuccino, treats, and flowers, and checking in on me constantly. I felt blessed and provided for in such a tangible way. Now, if my mom had only been in the country...

By Monday, Annabelle was just starting to move around and eat/drink a little bit. Good thing, because, I had almost diagnosed her with Kawasaki Disease (I had it at age 4). Ha! Oh, what the sleep-deprived brain can do to you! Anyway, the fever slowly went down, she slowly regained a little appetite/thirst, and on Monday took a real nap for the first time in days. I think she's going to be just fine. My poor, sweet baby.