ahhh, spring


For a long time, I used to say that summer was my favorite season. This was clearly until my world no longer revolved around school breaks and swimming pools and getting tan and, well, whatever I wanted.

Now I can confidently say that spring is my favorite season. Spring, to me, is hope. It is newness and mercy and life and warmth and light. It is walking outside in the morning and not bracing against the cold. It is watching tiny sprouts grow and stretch and blossom. It is venturing outdoors in summer clothes because it's finally 70 degrees.  It is watching the world transform from grey to green. It is a reminder of Jesus.

So, deep sigh of relief. Spring is here. And we have been drinking it in...


I used to listen to Nichole Nordeman "Every Season" a lot in college. It reminded me that God is revealed in every season and is IN every season. Both in the outside world and in my life.

"And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced, teaching us to breathe. What was frozen through is newly purposed, turning all things green. So it is with You and how You make me new with every season’s change. And so it will be as You are re-creating me: Summer, autumn, winter, spring."

Especially spring.


amy free said...

loooove that song and your heart.