Aunt Whitney

James 1:27 says this: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

How pure of heart is it to be a person who seeks out and cares for those who are "in distress"? When I think of what that would look like, to look after orphans and widows in their distress, I think of my sister Whitney. She has faithfully pursued children in need for years- almost since she was a child herself. She is tenderhearted and strong and she fights for kids that no one else is fighting for. 

This is the main reason why I was so excited to celebrate Whitney's graduation last month. The other one, of course, was the awesome gowns.

Here she is... the beautiful graduate! 
(my camera was on some crazy setting, so you'll have to forgive the blurriness)

The "hooding"! The whoooole family was there, minus Peter (in Spain).

The proud parents.

Isn't he a cutie? That's Matt, Whitney's beau.

 Sisters... gotta love 'em.

 Even the babies came out to celebrate! 
Uncle Kevin is still working on the baby-holding thing. :)

 Annabelle was thrilled. :)

Cooper was pretty pumped about the "grad-ya-ation" too!

Check these out:

Cooper loves his Aunt Whit.

We do too. Congratulations, Whitney!